YD Event Management

Luxury Wedding & Event Planner

About Us

At YD Event Management we plan, design and produce exceptional celebrations across the world. From small intimate gatherings to large and lavish affairs, our weddings, parties and special events are memorable, magical experiences, perfectly planned and beautifully executed. We are happy to help you organize these events:

  • Weddings
  • Engagement Parties
  • Birthday Parties
  • Baby Shower
  • Corporate & Marketing Events

Our Services

We can help you with every aspect of event planning, from sourcing world - class venues to organizing the logistics and providing state-of-the-art event design and production.

  • Event Concept
  • Creative Direction
  • Design & Décor
  • Logistics & Planning
  • Audio, Visual, Lighting, Staging Catering - Technical Direction
  • Venue Sourcing
  • Permitting, Health and Safety

Every event is unique, just like the people planning it

Our passionate event management team strives to offer an unrivalled experience, achieved through building strong relationships with all our clients and suppliers, ensuring comfort and reassurance at every level. Every event we manage is as special to us as it is to you. With a strong team of individuals and a thorough knowledge base of the events industry, YD Event Management will ensure your event is a memorable experience.

Our Clients


Luxury Event Planning

Splashes of champagne, widely shining eyes, a full evening dress code, and happy smiles everywhere — your luxury celebration should be as enchanting, elegant, engaging, and beautiful as you imagine. Lucky you! Entrust your worries about organizing your party to YD Event Management — a luxurious wedding planner.

What Does a Luxury Wedding Mean?

No style can compare with a luxurious wedding style. And suppose we don’t delve into the champagne brand on the guests’ tables and the names on the wedding menu. In that case, luxury wedding decorators know some nuances that initially define the ceremony as a luxury event.

LUXURY Dress Code

Luxury party planning recommends choosing white tie attire — the most formal of all dress codes for a luxury event. The white tie dress code indicates that guests are high-caliber, royal, or have high social standing. So, if you’ve ever dreamed of a lush, luxurious dress with a long train embroidered with glass beads and pearls, take your chance to wear it.


Clusters of flowers hanging from the table, large garlands above the table and along the table, and flowerpots with fresh aromatic ranunculus, peonies, and gardenias. Crystal dishware and many candles will complement the picture — the bride and groom will feel like a royal family in such an atmosphere.

How We Do Luxury Event Planning

You probably associate the word Luxury with something expensive, shiny, and full of chic. A luxurious wedding is for those ready to demonstrate their status at the wedding celebration, to surprise with a lavish reception and, accordingly, a show program.

  • We attract famous presenters or showpeople, recognizable musical groups.
  • We amaze guests with the luxurious decoration of the red carpet with camera flashes.
  • A light buffet, where an Armand de Brignac will occupy the central place.
  • Organize a luxurious banquet in the best restaurant.
  • And for dessert, YD Event Management luxury wedding planner offers an exquisite cake and fireworks.

This wedding will make you feel like a celebrity. Most importantly, luxury wedding planning allows you to realize everything you can imagine and even what is impossible.

YD Event Management will turn your luxury dreams into reality. Come to your luxury event and enjoy the best day of your life.


Best Event Planner

YD Event Management — the best event planner you’ve ever dreamed about!

We are going to convince you!

It may seem that organizing an event with the help of top event planning companies is an entirely optional service you can easily do without. Indeed, you can arrange it yourself. But it is not always possible to celebrate it beautifully and brightly.

Here Is How the Best Event Planners Work

Our YD Event Management team is ready to share the central working moments that set the overall holiday atmosphere and impressions, which are extremely important.

  • Make a plan — our team confidently asserts that you are initially engaged in a failed celebration if you don't have a plan.
  • Invite a photographer and videographer — only a professional photographer will tell you how to position yourself correctly so that the result is truly unique and brings only pleasant memories.
  • Select a suitable location — trained professionals in our agency can highlight essential details and always consider all possible scenarios so that the participants have fun.
  • Don't use templates — weddings, corporate events, or team-building classic programs are already dull. Top event planning doesn’t tolerate clichés and finds something fresh and original to breathe life into classic scenarios.

What Do We Do?

We help make your desires and dreams come true. Developing a concept, preventing possible problems, selecting a location, organizing transfers and meals, decorating, and administration are just a tiny part of our work when creating extraordinary events.

Why Is YD Event Management the Top Event Planning Company?

We at YD Event Management help our clients create events that delight guests. We always wanted each event to change something in people and not just give them emotions for a few hours.

  • We don't use templates to deliver the best events possible.
  • We give our whole selves to the event and work with the best contractors worldwide.
  • We are famous event planners interested in finding non-standard solutions and implementing your plans to take your breath away.

Entrust the creation of your event to professionals.


Award Winning Event Planner

Winning an award is immediately associated with praise, joy, and prosperity. Such awards exist not only for employees but also for partners and clients. Today and always, award winning event production is mainly focused on solidity and solemnity of the moment!

By its very name, the award ceremony implies something pompous, chic, and incredibly solemn — stage, fireworks, applause, and many smiles. YD Event Management — the best of award winning event planners in Dubai and worldwide who know how to make such a moment memorable.

How Is the Award-Winning Event Organized?

The award ceremony is one of the brightest and most memorable events – a shining moment, an hour of triumph. It evokes unique emotions: anticipation, the expectation of a miracle, and a kind of excitement, pride in the fact that people work, reach the top, and don’t stop there.

Things an experienced award winning event planner should consider:

  • Determine the event concept and, based on it, tailor a program with event regulations and timings.
  • Develop an event style — location design, invitations, and printing decoration.
  • A bright, cheerful, and, most importantly, spectacular concert program would be appropriate.
  • Choose truly reliable and high-quality catering.
  • Create enchanting entertainment.

All of the listed tasks are important. They all influence the impression that guests will take away from the pre-show and then broadcast to their acquaintances and friends in the media and on the Internet. There are no small details.

Let's Discuss Your Award-Winning Event!

We at YD Event Management can organize a spectacular show with breathtaking fireworks, a great entertainment program, an after-party, or a formal business reception with excellent service and a symphony orchestra. It all depends on the chosen award winning event design. Remember, we do not have standard programs or template solutions. And this is our most significant advantage.

Thanks to dozens of created projects, our award winning events company works smoothly and provides services that make clients come back to us repeatedly.


Smaller guest lists are giving way to custom statement florals. 

It’s been a difficult and challenging year for engaged couples. Destination weddings have had to relocate closer to home, guest lists have whittled down, buffets and action stations have been rethought, and generally, weddings have been forced to become a “micro” of what they once were. However, one element that hasn’t been hit, and continues to be a shining light, is florals. In fact, flowers have become even more important at today’s weddings because they are the one element couples do not have to compromise on. Given the increasingly lower guest counts at weddings, many couples are opting to allocate considerable portions of their budgets to flowers instead. People need inspiration more than ever, and florals are a great way to do that. Flowers bring life to an event. Having that natural element to a wedding brings a freshness and signifies the beginning between two people.

YD Event Management
& We are pro Event management, luxury weddings, corporate events, conferences, content, video production Dubai | Miami | LA | Moscow

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Luxury Wedding Planner, Wedding Event Planner in Dubai

Best Event Planner in Dubai

Whichever style you would like for your special day, we are your personal consultants and take care of every single detail on your behalf to deliver a very special, tailored experience, which reflects your style and personality.

Everyone has their favorite colors. Some are fans of vintage style, while others dream of glitz and luxury. YD Event Management wedding company knows that organizing weddings is a painstaking process that requires attention to every detail. Weddings — complex events, rich in different elements — require control by the best and most responsible wedding planner.

How We Organize a Wedding

Hosting a wedding with YD Event Management is a fresh approach to tasks of any complexity. Powerful energy, creativity, professionalism, the ability to feel the individuality of the newlyweds, a subtle approach to implementing ideas — all this helps create unforgettable and unique wedding concepts for every taste, from a romantic evening for two to a luxurious celebration in Dubai or abroad.

What makes a successful wedding?

Selection of Wedding Location

Restaurants on the seashore, comfortable banquet complexes, terraces and roofs for wedding ceremonies, beautiful nature scenes, tents, and yachts — any city in the Emirates, the USA, and worldwide is available for the wedding event planner.

Wedding Party Scenario

Wedding event planning starts with a well-tailored party plan. All components of your wedding ceremony are scheduled minute by minute:

  • Guests.
  • Surprises.
  • Fireworks.
  • Movies.
  • Special effects.
  • A wedding cake.
  • Presenters led interactive sessions and many other non-trivial solutions for crazy emotions.

Wedding Coordination

On your holiday, you will forget about organizational issues, enjoy attention and care, and receive a powerful charge of positive energy.

Technical Support

YD Event Management Planner wedding company will determine the equipment needed for your party, deliver, install, connect, and ensure smooth operation.

Turnkey Wedding Decoration

Our team creates incredible wedding decor. This space allows you and your guests to feel extremely comfortable and sets the mood for the whole evening. We can implement wedding decorations of any complexity.

A considerable number of people work on creating your wedding. YD Event Management team — the best of the wedding companies in Dubai is passionate about their work and will make your wildest dreams come true.

Live in the usual rhythm without distracting yourself from your wife/husband-to-be, work, and make plans for the future. On the appointed day, without worrying about anything, you will receive compliments and gifts, pose for the family album, and enjoy the holiday.

Let there be a wedding!

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Engagement Parties

Engagement Parties, Engagement Party Planner in Dubai

Luxury Engagement Party Planner in Dubai

We will manage every single element of your celebration so that you can relax and enjoy being a guest at your own party.

Of course, you want your engagement party to be the coolest, most romantic, marvelous, and unforgettable. If everything is prepared correctly, it will be a great day. But, unfortunately, you won't have a minute left for fun — all your energy will go into the organization.

Contact us! We at YD Event Management know how to make the engagement celebration delightful and unique. Dubai is perfect for organizing an engagement, and we know all the cool, fascinating, romantic, and unusual places in this beautiful city. But don’t expect template programs!

Original Engagement Parties

You finally decided to propose to your bride-to-be. How to make it happen? How to make an engagement party a non-standard and beautiful surprise?

  • Theme party — an excellent option to celebrate an engagement with friends. Choose any theme, from retro to Middle Ages.
  • Buffet party. The main feature of such an event is that it doesn’t need to provide seating for guests. Taking care of the guests' entertainment is essential so they are not bored.
  • Party for two — romantic natures will like this option. You will celebrate your big day tete-a-tete in a restaurant or choose hosting an engagement party on the roof of a high-rise building, yacht, beach house, in the park, etc.

The brightest celebrations are created in our agency! Do you want to be original? Call us! We, the best engagement party planners, will organize a fantastic event.

Why Entrust the Engagement Party Organization to YD Event Management?

The engagement day is unique, happy, and, at the same time, challenging. We have everything, so it becomes cloudless even in lousy weather, bringing only happiness and pleasure. We are the best engagement party planners and are ready to show you our advantages:

  • Place of organization — any city in the Emirates, the USA, or other country.
  • A comprehensive range of services — order a turnkey engagement and choose the package of services that you need.
  • We are equally good at generating ideas, writing scripts, and coordinating the process without losing sight of a single detail.

Now is the time to leave us a detailed application, answer our manager's call, and see what we are up to. The most important thing is to spend your engagement day so that you will remember it for a long time.

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Baby Showers

Baby Shower Parties, Baby Shower Planning in Dubai

Baby Shower Planning in Dubai

From remarkable parties, to small gatherings, we will plan and host the perfect celebration helping mums- to-be celebrate a special new arrival in style or deliver a unique event which you and your guests will never forget.

Expecting a baby is always an exciting time. To support the mother and relieve the tension that increases during the last months of pregnancy, her friends and relatives arrange a party for baby shower. It’s like a birthday — the guests come with gifts and congratulations to shower the mom with sweet presents for a baby.

Only some people know about baby shower planning. But you can turn to YD Event Management for the brightest celebration.

Where to Locate a Baby Shower Party?

Our main advice is to give up house parties. As day X approaches, a future mom significantly reduces the number of outings. And most often, she grows bored of staying home so much. That is why baby shower planners recommend organizing a party outside the apartment to diversify everyday life.

You can spend the holiday in the beautiful restaurant hall, on the open veranda, or arrange a party in nature. Our team will help you choose a suitable place for the tender and exciting baby shower celebration.

Who to Invite at a Baby Shower Party?

The best baby shower parties are usually held in the format of a bachelorette party. Initially, men were prohibited from entering, but now the strict framework is being erased: everyone is invited!

In any case, invite only the closest friends and relatives, for a future mom to feel easy and comfortable. Such a party should be homely, cozy, sweet, and light, so you don't need to make it too noisy and crowded.

Why Choose YD Event Management for Baby Shower?

We are the best baby shower event planner, and here is why:

  • We absolutely adore kids and love holidays. Every holiday can be compared to a full-length film with a unique idea and plot.
  • We have a professional team — we learn a lot, travel, and get inspired by ideas worldwide so that the projects we organize for you are relevant.
  • We are reliable, and we care. Our services have passed the real quality test. Our clients are always demanding. And we are constantly moving forward.

The brightest emotions and positive impressions are guaranteed for both mom and her guests.

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Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties, Birthday Party Planner in Dubai

Luxury Birthday Party Planner in Dubai

If you are considering a personalized 21st Birthday, a bespoke 18th birthday in your villa, or a 50th birthday garden party for your family and friends, our party organizers will ensure your occasion is truly memorable.

A birthday party is approaching, and you're still getting ready? The YD Event Management suggests there is nothing to be sad about. There are so many tools for general entertainment. You want to have fun, and we handle all the preparatory work. Birthdays party formats for adults and children have dozens of options and are not limited to traditions.

Holding the Birthday

We can talk about birthdays endlessly. Everything you are passionate about is undoubtedly a source of inspiration and transformation.

  • Have you dreamed of trying the James Bond look? Easily! Dress code, beautiful girls hostesses and show ballet, knowledge of weapons and car brands — everything for a complete immersion in the Bond movie.
  • Do you want a pool party? The DJ will select fashionable compositions for a fabulous disco. Beachwear, cocktails, wet T-shirts, fiery dances — your friends will remember your party birthday show for a long time.
  • Are you passionate about Casino Royale — the epicenter of gambling entertainment and chic? Wine, whiskey, poker, gambling desks, suitable decor, food, and music will create the right atmosphere! Let's make a city of adult entertainment.
  • You can have a SPA-style birthday party. Gather a group of friends for birthday party and go for pampering and relaxing treatments — massage, phyto-barrels, cosmetic procedures. Specialized centers offer relaxation for every taste in almost every city.

Development of a Birthdays Parties Concept and Scenario

Everyone wants a unique holiday — bright, beautiful, and memorable. YD Event Management team is working to ensure your holiday is held at the highest level. We always find bold, unexpected, winning solutions!

  • Development of birthday printing

Creation of sketches, design layouts, and production of invitations, seating cards, banners, stage decorations, and photo zones for guests — a variety of style solutions.

  • Booking stars

Invite your favorite show stars to your event: popular performers and presenters. We will promptly resolve questions regarding booking your famous guest star for a party.

  • Event coordination

We reduce the chance of forgetting something to zero. This is precisely why our manager works throughout the entire preparation period at any time of the day.

Need more party ideas? Quizzes, discos, shows that suit the theme, master classes, and competitions - the choice of entertainment is limited only by your imagination.

YD Event Management — the best birthday planner who prepares a birthday party scenario based on your wishes to make up the atmosphere!

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Corporate & Marketing Events

Marketing and Corporate Event, Corporate Event Panner in Dubai

Corporate & Marketing Events in Dubai

Our services are based on attention to detail, flexibility and innovation. Our experienced team will provide a competitive package to ensure your event is successful and meets your key aims and objectives. 

We will arrange a perfect venue for your corporate conference, support the logistics and planning of your annual corporate awards or design an environment that strategically engages your audience whilst remaining on brand. We will tailor our services to your exact needs.

Corporate events are an essential component of any working team. No matter what corporate event you plan: a product launch party, a press conference, a company picnic, a company anniversary, or any other festive occasion, we are responsible for shaping everything into good.

What Does It Mean for You?

This means the YD Event management team organizes and cares for everything before, during, and even after the corporate or marketing event.

  • We know how to work with details.
  • Our team loves to communicate and organize.
  • And we treat every project and business as our own.

We are the best corporate event luxury event planner and know how to make your party successful and memorable! Another critical point: we know how to fit the holiday into the desired budget.

Original Event Ideas

We prefer projects with concepts because we know how to find and present them. That's why our holidays are always unique. It's a fireworks display of emotions.

The Best Location

Restaurants on the seashore, summer and winter venues, atmospheric cafes in the city center, country locations, nightclubs, beaches, and yachts. We are responsible for planning corporate events in any other city in any country.

High-Quality Show Programs

When developing a show program for a corporate event, you’ll be amazed by our new and unexpected solutions. Our presenters are Professional, sensitive to the audience, and are the best of the best.

Technical Support

We offer lighting, sound, stage equipment, special effects, LED screens, and video content development for the holiday. Don’t forget about photos and videos — an integral ritual of any corporate event. Employees and guests of the holiday eagerly await them.

Corporate events are the choice of companies that care about their reputation and are famous for their excellent taste. A company anniversary, a presentation, a car showroom, or the launch of a new brand — our event planning corporate team will make your holiday incredibly atmospheric.

We are professional planners in any country!

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